Certain items are outside the scope of services for VITA for the following Forms and Schedules. If any apply to you, then we are unable to prepare your return.
If you have any questions about out-of-scope services, please email vita.byu@gmail.com. Please see a professional preparer for assistance with complicated returns.
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Form 1040
The following items are out of scope:
Foreign social security from Canada or Germany that is treated as U.S. Social Security
Qualified Business Income Deduction is out of scope for
Taxable income over $175,050 ($340,000 if MFJ)
Publicly traded partnership income
Form 8995-A
The following types of returns are out of scope:
U.S. Nonresident Alien Income Tax Return
Self-Employment Tax Return - Puerto Rico (in Spanish)
Amended U.S. Individual Income Tax Return
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Form 1040-NR - U.S. Nonresident Alien Income Tax Return
Form 1042-S - Foreign Person's U.S. Source Income Subject to Withholding
If you're a non-resident alien for tax purposes, then you can visit the International VITA lab. If you're a resident for tax purposes, then Centro Hispano can help with these: 801-655-0258
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Form W-2
The following items are out of scope:
Box 12 codes Q, R, or T
Box 12 code FF (if premium tax credits are involved)
Foreign employer compensation
Ministers and other members of the clergy
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Form 1095-A - Health Insurance Marketplace Statement
The following item is out of scope:
Shared policy allocation
If your 1095-A has individuals listed on it that are not on your return or you are listed on the 1095-A of another person (e.g., a parent) and not a dependent on their return, then your return is out of scope
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Form 1098-T - Tuition Statement
The following item is out of scope:
Boxes 4 and 6
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Form 1099s
There are many types of 1099s, some of which have scope limitations:
Form 1099-A - Acquisition or Abandonment of Secured Property
Only in scope for qualified principal residence (if extended)
Form 1099-B - Proceeds from Broker and Barter Exchange Transactions
FATCA filing requirement box checked
Boxes 1f, 3 and 7-11, 13
Form 1099-C - Cancellation of Debt
Includes an amount for interest except when for nonbusiness credit card debt cancellation and taxpayer is solvent before the cancellation
Form 1099-CAP - Changes in Corporate Control and Capital Structure
In scope
Form 1099-DIV - Dividends and Distributions
Taxpayer is a nominee
Boxes labeled Unrecap Sec. 1250 gain, Section 1202 gain, Collectibles (28%) gain, Section 897 ordinary dividends, Section 897 capital gain, Cash liquidation distributions, and Noncash liquidation distributions
FATCA filing requirement box checked
Form 1099-G - Certain Government Payments
Box 3 is other than the current tax year
Boxes 7-9
Form 1099-H - Health Coverage Tax Credit
Completely out of scope
Form 1099-INT - Interest Income
Taxpayer is a nominee
An adjustment is needed to any amount reported
Amounts reported in the box labeled Specified private activity bond interest if AMT applies
Amounts reported in the box labeled Bond premium that exceed amounts reported in the box labeled Interest
FATCA filing requirement box checked
Accrued bond interest other than for savings bonds
Bonds bought or sold between interest payment dates other than for savings bonds
Bond premium on Treasury obligations that exceed Interest on U.S. Savings Bonds and Treasury obligations
Bond premium on tax-exempt bond that exceed Tax-exempt interest
Form 1099-K - Payment Card and Third Party Network Transactions
Received for any income other than self-employment income
Form 1099-LTC - Long-Term Care and Accelerated Death Benefits
In scope
Form 1099-MISC - Miscellaneous Information
Box 1
Box 5 Fishing boat proceeds
Boxes 7-15
FATCA filing requirement box checked
Form 1099-NEC - Nonemployee compensation
Athletes receiving NIL income
Form 1099-OID - Original Issue Discount
FATCA filing requirement box checked
Box 6 Acquisition premium
Adjustment needed, or no form received
Form 1099-PATR - Taxable Distributions Received From Cooperatives
Any boxes other than Box 1 for personal use only
Form 1099-Q
Distributions if funds were not used for qualified education expenses
Distribution was more than the amount of the qualified expenses
Form 1099-QA - Distribution from ABLE Account
Distribution from ABLE Account that was more than the amount of the qualified expenses
Form 1099-R - Distributions from Pensions, Annuities, Retirement or Profit-Sharing Plans, IRAs, Insurance Contracts, etc.
IRA rollovers that do not meet the tax-free requirements
Taxpayers who used the General Rule to figure the taxable portion of pensions and/or annuities for past years
Box 7 codes 2 and 7, if the IRA/SEP/SIMPLE box is checked and there were nondeductible contributions
Box 7 codes 5, 6, 8, 9, A, E, J, K, N, P, R, T, U, W
Form RRB-1099
In scope
Form 1099-S - Proceeds from Real Estate Transactions
Home was used for rental purposes
Sales of business property
Installment sales income
Like-kind exchanges
Form 1099-SA
Archer MSA
Medicare Advantage MSA
Form SSA-1099 - Social Security Benefit Statement
In scope
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Form 8949 - Sales and other Dispositions of Capital Assets (see also Sch D)
The following items are out of scope:
Adjustment codes N, Q, X, R, S or C
Reduced exclusion on sale of home
Residence inherited or received as gift and not used as personal residence. If used as personal residence, taxpayer must provide basis
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Less common forms with scope limitations
The following forms have scope limitations:
Form 982 - Reduction of Tax Attributes Due to Discharge
Issues other than discharge of qualified principal residence indebtedness
Principal residence used in business or as rental property
Taxpayer filed bankruptcy or was insolvent immediately before the debt was canceled
Form 2441 - Child and Dependent Care Expenses
Taxpayers who need assistance in determining if employment taxes are owed for household employees
Form 5329 - Additional Tax on Qualified Plans and Other Tax-Favored Accounts
IRA minimum distributions not withdrawn when required
Excess contributions to an IRA that are not withdrawn by the due date of the return including extensions
Parts II through IX
Form 5405 - Repayment of the First-Time Homebuyer Credit
Taxpayers who claimed credit and their home is destroyed, condemned or disposed of under threat of condemnation
Taxpayers who claimed the first-time homebuyer credit may be required to repay the credit in the year of sale. The repayment is limited to the amount of gain on the sale. This situation is out of scope for VITA/TCE.
Form 5498 - IRA Contribution Information
SEP or SIMPLE contributions
Nondeductible contributions
Form 5498-SA - HSA, Archer MSA or Medicare Advantage MSA Information
Archer MSA
Medicare MSA
Form 5695 - Residential Energy Credit
Residential Energy Efficient Property Credit (Part I)
Form 6251 - Alternative Minimum Tax
In scope for interest from private activity bond on Line 2g
Out of scope if AMT applies
Form 8283 - Noncash Charitable Contributions
Noncash contributions >$500
F 8615 - Tax for Certain Children Who Have Unearned Income (also known as Kiddie Tax)
Only in scope for Native Americans receiving per capita payments and Alaska residents receiving permanent fund dividends
Form 8814 - Parent’s Election to Report Child’s Interest and Dividends
Only in scope for Alaska residents receiving permanent fund dividends
Form 8853 - Archer MSAs and Long-Term Care Insurance Contracts
Only in scope for Section C
Form 8889 - Health Savings Accounts
Excess contributions to an HSA that are not withdrawn in a timely fashion
Qualified HSA funding distributions from an IRA
Death of an HSA holder (when spouse is not the designated beneficiary)
Additional Tax for Failure to Maintain HDHP Coverage
Deemed distributions from an HSA due to prohibited transactions, such as using an HSA as a security for a loan
Archer Medical Saving Accounts (MSA)
Medicare Advantage MSA
Health Reimbursement Arrangement
Part III, lines 18-21
Form 8915-F - Qualified Disaster Retirement Plan Distributions and Repayments
Only in scope for 2020 Coronavirus distributions and repayments
Form 8958 - Allocation of Tax Amounts Between Certain Individuals in Community Property States Only in scope for:
Taxpayers who are not certain they are in a common law marriage (rules are complex and differ from state to state)
Applicable returns as limited by Site or Program Coordinator
Depending on your tax assistance program, community property tax laws for married taxpayers who file a separate return from their spouse
F 8962 - Premium Tax Credit (PTC)
Self-employed health coverage deductions for taxpayers who are also allowed a PTC
Form 8962 Part IV, Allocation of Policy Amounts, and Part V, Alternative Calculation for Year of Marriage
Individuals eligible for the health coverage tax credit
If there is a code FF on Form W-2, box 12 and the employee has a Marketplace policy and is otherwise eligible for PTC
Form 8995 - Qualified Business Income Deduction Simplified Computation
Certain rental real estate enterprises treated as a single trade or business
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Completely Out of Scope Forms
The following forms are out of scope:
F T - Forest Activities Schedule
F 56 - Notice Concerning Fiduciary Relationship
F 709 - United States Gift (and Generation-Skipping Transfer) Tax Return
F 843 - Claim for refund and request for abatement
F 1040-C - U.S. Departing Alien Income Tax Return
F 1045 - Application for Tentative Refund
F 1066 - Quarterly Notice to Resident Interest Holder of REMIC Taxable Income of Net Loss Allocation
F 1098-C - Contributions of Motor Vehicles, Boats, Airplanes
F 1098-MA - Mortgage Assistance Payments
F 1116 - Foreign Tax Credit - INTERNATIONAL LAB
F 1127 - Extension of Time for Payment of Tax Due to Undue Hardship
F 2106 - Employee Business Expenses
F 2210 - Underpayment of Estimated Tax by Individuals, Estates and Trusts
F 2439 - Notice to Shareholder of Undistributed Long-Term Capital Gains
F 2555 - Foreign Earned Income
F 3468 - Investment Credit
F 3520 - Foreign Trusts/Foreign Gifts
F 3800 - General Business Credit
F 4136 - Credit for Federal Tax Paid on Fuels
F 4562 - Depreciation and Amortization (including information on listed property)
F 4684 - Casualties and Thefts
F 4797 - Sales of Business Property
F 4835 - Farm Rental Income and Expenses
F 4952 - Investment Interest Expense Deduction
F 4972 - Tax on Lump-Sum Distributions
F 6252 - Installment Sales Income
F 6781 - Gains and Losses From Section 1256 Contracts and Straddles
F 3903 - Moving Expenses
F 8275 - Disclosure Statement
F 8275 R - Regulation Disclosure Statement
F 8396 - Mortgage Interest Credit
F 8582 - Passive Activity Loss Limitations
F 8606 - Nondeductible IRAs
F 8621 - Information Return by A Shareholder of a Passive Foreign Investment Company or Qualified Electing Fund
F 8801 - Credit for Prior Year Minimum Tax
F 8805 - Foreign Partner’s Information Statement of Section 1446 Withholding Tax
F 8815 - Exclusion of Interest From Series EE and I U.S. Savings Bonds Issued after 1989
F 8821 - Tax Information Authorization
F 8829 - Expenses for Business Use of Your Home
F 8833 - Treaty-Based Return Positive Disclosure Under Section 6114 or 7701 (b)
F 8834 - Plug-In Electric Vehicle Credit
F 8839 - Qualified Adoption Expenses
F 8848 - Consent to Extend the Time to Access the Branch Profits Tax Under Regulations Section 1.884-2 (a) and (c)
F 8857 - Request for Innocent Spouse Relief
F 8865 - Return of U.S. Persons With Respect to Certain Foreign Partnerships
F 8885 - Health Coverage Tax Credit
F 8886 - Reportable Transaction Disclosure Statement
F 8903 - Domestic Production Activities Deduction
F 8908 - Energy Efficient Home Credit
F 8910 - Alternate Motor Vehicle Credit
F 8911 - Alternative Fuel Vehicle Refueling Property Credit
F 8915-B - Qualified 2017 Disaster Retirement Plan Distributions and Repayments
F 8915-C - Qualified 2018 Disaster Retirement Plan Distributions and Repayments
F 8915-D - Qualified 2019 Disaster Retirement Plan Distributions and Repayments
F 8919 - Uncollected Social Security and Medicare Tax on Wages
F 8936 - Qualified Plug-in Electric Drive Motor Vehicle Credit
F 8938 - Statement of Specified Foreign Assets
F 8948 - Preparer Explanation for Not Filing Electronically
F 8959 - Additional Medicare Tax
F 8960 - Net Investment Income Tax – Individuals, Estates and Trusts
F 8995-A - Qualified Business Income Deduction
F 9452 - Filing Assistance Program
F 13844 - Application For Reduced User Fee For Installment Agreement
F SS-8 - Determination of Worker Status for Purposes of Federal Employment Taxes and Income Tax Withholding
FinCEN F114 - Report of Foreign Bank and Financial Accounts
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Schedule 1 - Additional Income and Adjustments to Income
The following items are out of scope:
Taxable refunds, credits, or offsets of state or local income taxes if for other than previous tax year
Alimony received for pre-1985 divorces
Other gains or losses (Form 4797)
Farm income or loss
Cancellation of debt other than nonbusiness credit card debt
Rental, hobby, or other income when not for profit
Net operating loss
Foreign earned income exclusion
Self-employed SEP, SIMPLE, and qualified plans
Self-employed health insurance deduction for insurance purchased through Marketplace when taxpayer is eligible for Premium Tax Credit
Alimony paid for pre-1985 divorces
Nondeductible traditional IRA contributions
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Schedule 2 - Additional Taxes
The following items are out of scope:
Alternate minimum tax
Uncollected social security and Medicare tax on wages
Excess IRA contributions
Household employment taxes
Additional Medicare tax
Net investment income tax
Interest on tax due on installment income from the sale of certain residential lots and timeshares
Interest on the deferred tax on gain from certain installment sales with a sales price over $150,000
Recapture of low-interest housing credit
Recapture of federal mortgage subsidy
Additional tax on Archer MSA distributions
Additional tax on Medicare Advantage MSA distributions
Recapture of a charitable contribution deduction related to a fractional interest in tangible personal property
Income you received from a nonqualified deferred compensation plan that fails to meet the requirements of section 409A
Compensation you received from a nonqualified deferred compensation plan described in section 457A
Section 72(m)(5) excess benefits tax
Golden parachute payments
Tax on accumulation distribution of trusts
Excise tax on insider stock compensation from an expatriated corporation
Look-back interest under section 167(g) or 460(b) from Form 8697 or 8866
Interest from for 8621, line 16f, relating to distributions from, and dispositions of, stock of a section 1291 fund
Interest from Form 8621 line 24
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Schedule 3 - Additional Credits and Payments
The following items are out of scope:
Form 1116
Taxpayers who must repay part or all of an education credit claimed in a prior year
General business credit (Form 3800)
Credit for prior year minimum tax (Form 8801)
Adoption credit (Form 8839)
Alternate motor vehicle credit (Form 8910)
Qualified plug-in motor vehicle credit (Form 8936)
Mortgage interest credit (Form 8396)
District of Columbia first-time homebuyer credit (Form 8911)
Credit to holders of tax credit bonds (Form 8912)
Form 8978
Credit for federal tax on fuels
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Schedule A - Itemized Deductions
The following items are out of scope:
Investment interest
Taxpayers affected by a charitable contribution carryover
Taxpayers affected by limits on charitable contributions